Notes on artworks on home page

The Road to His Parents Kibbutz is about a colonel and a brigadier general in the Israel Defence Force who I met on an army base. He is ben (son). Both sets of their parents are Shoah (Holocaust) survivors. One of the sets of parents established a kibbutz and even now, elderly, they sit at the gate of the kibbutz, on guard, im and av (mother and father).

Elijah and the Raven. In the biblical story, the prophet Elijah is fed by a raven. He is told to leave the place he is in. I wanted to convey one thing: being Elijah was difficult. The red robe - his prophetic mantle - sits on him but does not fit or wrap him. I site him in the Judean Hills. Desolate as they seem to be, through them and beneath them are springs that flood through the wadis with great force when the rains suddenly come. Elijah is discontented. Yet as is so often the case, the eternal intervenes in the midst of such uncomfortable dislocation.

Ceramic Pieces. These are a selection of the ceramic pieces I am working on for my PhD. They are pictorial commentaries on verses form the Hebrew Bible.